Fight the sexual exploitation
of minors in prostitution
The sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution is a reality in Europe. It is estimated that it affects over 100 000 young people. It has grown by 70% over the few last years.
The subject is not known or tackled. This is why we want to unveil the hidden reality of sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution in Europe. Our work is dedicated to creating awareness and sensitization on the fast-growing phenomenon in Europe.
Our initiatives
Make the phenomenon known
We implement information and prevention campaigns on social networks for young people, families, and public authorities, as well as sensitisation and prevention workshops for teenagers.
Train professionals to face the reality and act concretely
We equip social workers, youth workers, educational community, and local authorities with trainings to detect situations of sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution and to intervene.
Our platform provides you the tools to know, understand and act to fight against the sexual exploitation of minors in prostitution
Browse our categories to access the tools that are relevant for you.