JERICHO – Speak out to break down the wall that makes underage prostitution invisible

JERICHO is a project funded under the CERV- DAPHNE programme of the European Commission. It is aimed at raising awareness on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children in prostitution through social media campaigns in order to prevent child abuse. 

It involves a partnership of four organizations in France, Italy and Greece and will:

Improve the knowledge around the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children in prostitution in Europe, through desk based and field research.

Raise awareness on the risks and impact of sexual exploitation of children in prostitution among young people, families and the general public, through a social media campaign the development and dissemination of multimedia informational resources and prevention workshops with young people.


Pistes Solidaires

Pistes Solidaires is an association of non-formal education that promotes active methods. It was created in 2002. Our methods and activities promote transversality in learning.

We develop our work in 3 departments:

  1. Youth and European learning mobility: we develop education to mobility and learning mobility through volunteering, youth exchanges and internships abroad. We create and gather opportunities for 300+ young people each year to have a strong learning experience.
  2. Social transition and innovations: focusing on research and innovation in the social and educational field, we create educational, social or socio-cultural resources in order to better answer needs that emerge in a society in transition.
  3. European Citizenship: Since 2013, we have been labelled Europe Direct by the European Commission. Our missions: to inform, advise, and strengthen the knowledge about Europe, its member States, its impact on our daily life…Through non-formal education techniques and methods, we organize dozens of activities to develop the European citizenship feeling of the people

The “Artisans du Social” specializing in the care of children who are said to be complex or disabled.
SCOP MEITIS is part of national public policy on child prevention and protection. It works for social and human innovation in the service of children in difficulty under the child welfare system.
It was founded in 2013 by Thomas Demière and Mohamed Sami. Drawing on their years of experience as managers in specialized prevention, and directors of social and medico-social establishments, Thomas Demière and Mohamed Sami have given priority to the good of children, to their human dignity in supporting their journey through life and access to rights.
Driven by a genuine quality policy backed by the ISO approach, SCOP MEITIS, with its multidisciplinary team, offers players in the child welfare and disability sectors an individualized approach to the care of minors up to the age of majority, and stability for young people after successive failures.
A strong commitment to inclusion and the fight against all forms of discrimination is reflected in our involvement with complex cases and young people with disabilities, and in our ability to help these “extraordinary” young people evolve in a safe, serene environment.
The children are cared for in a family environment at the heart of Home Meitis’s living and care facilities, and Nehemie’s alternative places of residence. SCOP MEITIS provides ongoing training in the medical-social professions via Meitis formation. SCOP MEITIS also innovates by developing an engineering service for the social sector called Intraneos Synergie. Last but not least, SCOP MEITIS tells the “beautiful stories” of ASE young people through its Khayyam audiovisual production company.


KMOP, founded in 1977, is one of the oldest civil society organizations in Greece, with extensive experience in direct provision of social services and implementation of social initiatives. Over the last years, the organization has established an international presence, and is now active in 7 countries, and operating permanent offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Brussels and Skopje.

KMOP is dedicated to making a positive social impact through research and innovative initiatives that address critical social issues, inform public debate and help shape policy, nationally and internationally.

Our mission is to contribute to effective social-policy design and to lead impactful programmes that promote individual well-being, reduce inequalities, eliminate vulnerabilities, and foster inclusive and sustainable social growth.

We actively support individuals and communities through the direct provision of social services and educational opportunities, the implementation of innovative initiatives, research and impactful policy design.


CESIE is a European Centre of Studies and Initiatives, centre for the development of cultural, recreational, social, educational, economical, research initiatives, without lucrative purposes. CESIE contributes, through the active participation of people, civic society and institutions, towards the promotion of growth and development, always valuing diversity.